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How the PC(USA) is fighting AIDS in Africa

On the day PC(USA) member Francis Ntowe’s sister was buried, there were six other funerals in her small community in Cameroon. “One of them was a pastor, and all of them had died from HIV/AIDS,” he said. “Every single one.”

International Peacemaker to share need for health services in Malawi

You might think raising 10 adopted children as a single parent would be its own full-time job. For most it would be, but not for Mphasto Nguluwe. A nurse by profession, she somehow balances her prodigious parental duties with being Director for the Church of Central Africa, Presbyterian (CCAP) Livingstonia Synod Aids Program (LISAP). LISAP implements initiatives that promote quality of life for children living with HIV and whose goal is to ensure an HIV-free generation. As director, she heads three hospitals and 12 health facilities in the Synod’s catchment area. It includes working with a staff of more than 600 who serve about one million Malawians in remote locations. Nguluwe will speak to U.S. congregations and organizations this fall as part of the Presbyterian Peacemaking Program’s 2017 International Peacemakers series.


The world may think that the HIV pandemic is under control, but trust me: It is not!” warned Debra Mwale, convener of the Chikondano HIV and AIDS Committee of Zimbabwe’s Church of Central Africa Presbyterian (CCAP) Harare Synod. Mwale, a nurse who does HIV testing and counseling, observed that while “people now know about HIV and preventive measures, they still have not accepted that they must change their behavior.”