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directory for worship

Being good stewards of God’s grace

Presbyterians who agree to serve God and their congregations as ruling elders or deacons sometimes find they had little idea what they’ve gotten themselves into.

‘Remember your baptism and be thankful!’

There is a fountain in Louisville’s Waterfront Park beside the Ohio River. It is an oasis for office workers and a treat for tourists in the heat of summer. Children splash with delight in the jets of water that spring up from the ground. And for members of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Sacrament Study Group (2003–2006) it is a sacred place.

PC(USA) offers guidance on baptism, ordination during the pandemic

The Office of the General Assembly and the Presbyterian Mission Agency’s Office of Theology and Worship have together prepared a statement on the sacrament of baptism and services of ordination and/or installment during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Like the church, Presbyterian worship is always being reformed

This year Presbyterians join Christians around the world in celebrating the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. But the Reformation is not over. It’s important to remember that the church — and its worship — are continuing to be reformed, said David Gambrell, associate for worship for the Presbyterian Mission Agency and co-author of the revised Book of Common Worship.