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community presbyterian church lake city colorado

Trail magic

One month after the Rev. Dr. Jason Brian Santos became pastor of Community Presbyterian Church in Lake City, Colorado, the small mountain town of 400 officially became a “gateway” trail town for hikers on the Continental Divide. It was already well known as one of the better towns to stop for those hiking the Colorado Trail, which runs from Denver to Durango.

Christian camps and a French contemplative community draw the faithful for similar reasons

During his Wednesday keynote for the “Gathering as One” online conference of the Presbyterian Church Camp and Conference Association, the Rev. Dr. Jason Brian Santos managed to compare two experiences that seem very different: a week-long immersion into the contemplative Taizé community and a week at one’s favorite Presbyterian church camp or conference center.

Holy rhythms

The COVID-19 era “is going to radically push what the church is in the future,” the Rev. Dr. Jason Brian Santos told the Synod of Lakes and Prairies’ Synod School Wednesday evening.