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PC(USA) offers guidance on baptism, ordination during the pandemic

The Office of the General Assembly and the Presbyterian Mission Agency’s Office of Theology and Worship have together prepared a statement on the sacrament of baptism and services of ordination and/or installment during the COVID-19 pandemic.

안수식에서의 성령의 역할

루이빌 —부활주일과 같이 유동성 있는 절기movable feast인 성령강림 주일에 교회는 현충일Memorial Day 휴가의 긴 주말 혹은 여름 시즌의 비공식적 시작과 교차한다. 이 시기에 일어나는 일들로 많은 졸업식뿐만 아니라 점점 더 많은 교회들이 여름이 시작되기 전에 안수와 위임을 위한 예배를 하고 있다.

The Holy Spirit’s role in ordination

On many Pentecost Sundays, which can be a movable feast like Easter Sunday, the life of a congregation sometimes intersects with the long weekend of Memorial Day holiday, the unofficial beginning of the summer season. As well as many graduations taking place around this time, a growing number of churches now hold services for ordination and installation before the summer begins.   

미국장로교 헌법

The Constitution of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) 미국장로교 헌법은 두 부분으로 구성되어 있다: 제1부는 신앙고백서이며, 제2부 규례서는 장로교 정치제도의 기초, 정치 형태, 예배 모범 및 권징 조례이다. 제1부 신앙고백서    … Read more »

Minute for Mission: Reformation Sunday

Over the past few years, three members of my very Protestant extended family have become Roman Catholic. All of these conversions were undertaken with little or no contact with the other persons. These shifts have deepened the question that all of us face, particularly on Reformation Day: What is the future of Protestantism, particularly Reformed Protestantism?