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big tent

Big Tent music director attracts local talent as worship leaders

Worship planning is well underway for this year’s Big Tent gathering of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) in St. Louis, and musician Paul Vasile has something special in store for attendees. The multitalented musician and worship leader is bringing together a community choir and a host of local musicians to collaborate for services on the campus of Washington University, July 6–8.

Big Tent 2017 reflects new approach to big gatherings

‘How should the church respond when sin disrupts the church’s unity, creates division among the children of God, and constructs unjust systems that steal life from God’s creation?’ This question begins the introduction of the Belhar Confession in the PC(USA)’s Book of Confessions.

빅텐트 실시간 총회 예배 통역 제공

루이빌 – 미국장로교 (Presbyterian Church) Big Tent 행사에서 처음으로 본회의 및 예배의 일부로 번역 서비스가 제공된다. 교회 전체 모임은 7월 6일부터 8일까지 세인트루이스의 워싱턴대학 캠퍼스에서 진행된다.

PC(USA) co-moderators to lead plenary session at Big Tent

The Rev. Denise Anderson and the Rev. Jan Edmiston, co-moderators of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) General Assembly 222 (2016), will present a plenary session tentatively titled “At the Cross: Intersections the Church Must Navigate” during this year’s Big Tent.

Big Tent to offer real-time plenary and worship service translation

For the first time ever, translation services are being offered as part of the plenary session and worship services at the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Big Tent event. The churchwide gathering is July 6-8, 2017 on the campus of Washington University in St. Louis.

‘Fast Facts’ about Big Tent 2017

Organizers of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Big Tent 2017 event have assembled a list of seven ‘Fast Facts’ for those attending, or considering attending, the July 6-8 gather in St. Louis, Missouri on the campus of Washington University.

La Gran Carpa 2017 se enfocará en «Raza, Reconciliación y Reforma»

El pueblo presbiteriano de todo el país está invitado a vivir su fe en La Gran Carpa 2017 en St. Louis, Missouri. Esta reunión bienal tendrá lugar del 6 al 8 de julio, en el campus de la Universidad de Washington. El tema «Raza, Reconciliación y Reforma», enfatizará la esperanza del evangelio y su poder de transformar la sociedad de nuestro actual contexto cultural, que está marcado por la ansiedad, la división racial, la animosidad política y la desigualdad econó