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PC(USA) videographers, authors and communicators garner seven awards from the Associated Church Press

Videos, poetry, website and reporting efforts are recognized and celebrated

by Mike Ferguson | Presbyterian News Service

Photo by Jason Dent via Unsplash

ARLINGTON, Virginia — Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) videographers, communicators and writers received seven awards Friday during the Associated Church Press “Best of the Church Press” awards. All the winners for 2023 are listed here.

Angie Stevens and Rick Jones won an award of excellence for their “On the Road to GA” series.

Darla Carter was awarded an honorable mention in the In-Depth Coverage category for her “PC(USA)-related camp fosters healing for survivors of school violence” account.

Lucinda Isaacs won an award of merit for her poem “eradicate” published by Unbound: The Intersections of Faith and Justice.”

Unbound won an Award of Merit in the Biblical Interpretation or Lectionary Reflection category for “With Creation: A Native and Indigenous Lenten Devotional.”

Together with his colleague Randy Hobson, Jones won an Award of Excellence in the Video-Educational/Informative/Advocacy category for their “A Word from the Stated Clerk: Gun Violence.”

Hobson and Jones also took home an award of merit in the Video Series category for their “The Nelson Legacy,” which can be seen here, here, here and here.

Unbound: The Intersections of Faith and Justice won an award of excellence for Lee Catoe in the Independent Website category.

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