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Mission Yearbook

Minute for Mission: Race Relations Day/Racial and Intercultural Justice

I’ve been spending a lot of time with Genesis 11:1–9 lately, or the story of Shinar and the so-called “Tower of Babel.” It’s a popular Sunday school lesson, an etiology we recount to children to explain why humanity is so varied in language and location. We don’t engage it as much when we get older. For that reason, how we read and are taught the story as children often stays with us well into adulthood.

Minute for Mission: Human Trafficking Awareness Day

Once rescued, survivors of human trafficking are often reluctant to talk about their experiences. That is usually out of self-protection for fear of being blamed by family and community for the exploitation and abuse they’ve suffered at the hands of bosses and employment agencies. But that is not so for Juliette (not her real name). Out of concern for other women who may fall victim to profiteers, she even agreed to have her account recorded, trusting that we would share her story with sensitivity.

A look inside Presbyterian work at the United Nations

With political campaigns nationwide ramping up for the 2020 elections, two staffers at the Presbyterian Ministry at the United Nations recently reflected on the varied work they put in each day.

‘Put us where you want us, and show us what to do’

A congregation without a building but with a proven record of innovation for serving the Rochester, New York, community — especially those living in the city’s margins — has accepted the Matthew 25 invitation.

Online giving helps Ohio church support community

First Presbyterian Church in Maumee, Ohio, a suburb of Toledo, has partnered with an urban Toledo mission, Mosaic Ministries, that’s working to eradicate poverty and lack of education in south Toledo.

Creating calm in anxious times

On Sunday mornings in congregations across the country, hands are shaken, and the words of Christ’s peace are exchanged with one another. Yet what does it mean to pass the peace of Christ into a world that is often anxious?

Atlanta podcast hosted by PC(USA) minister is growing ‘like crazy’

Church-going or not, Americans are finding spiritual inspiration through podcasts. In fact, according to, 49 million households across the country listen to religious podcasts. One of those, Aijcast, is hosted by a Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) minister, the Rev. Marthame Sanders. The podcast began as a church plant, as Sanders had a sense of call to work with artists and bring them together.