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Matthew 25

Community dialogue to center on poverty and mass incarceration

The connection between poverty and mass incarceration will be explored during a Nov. 9 webinar that’s part of an ongoing conversation by the Presbyterian Committee on the Self-Development of People on the importance of churches stepping outside of their walls to “love thy neighbor.”                  

Immigration conference postponed to focus on immediate needs

Together We Welcome, a national faith gathering to support immigrants and migrants, has been postponed from this month to March 2022 due to the amount of work currently needed to support Afghan refugees coming to the United States.

‘It’s really about survival’

From an island in the Pacific Ocean, Frances Namoumou recently made a peacemaking pilgrimage to the Presbytery of the James in central Virginia.

Beyond Black and white biases

This story is about two churches in the Presbytery of Philadelphia who answered the PC(USA)’s Matthew 25 invitation to focus on racism and poverty, a decision that has increased congregational vitality in both churches. Watch their story here.

Your photos tell your story

By way of photo submission, Presbyterians are invited to tell the world the ways their church, worshiping community, mid council or organization is carrying out the Matthew 25 invitation.

A journey of learning and unlearning

Wellshire Presbyterian Church in Denver, Colorado responded to the Matthew 25 invitation in September 2020. Ever since, the congregation has embarked on a journey of self-education, starting with the 21-Day Racial Justice Challenge.

The machines are catching us

Global Language Resources is using Machine Translation to provide hospitality to Presbyterians who don’t have English as their first language.