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A.J. Jacobs to launch Stewardship Kaleidoscope Conference in Savannah, Georgia


Bestselling author to speak at opening plenary on Sept. 26

by Emily Enders Odom, Mission Engagement & Support | Special to Presbyterian News Service

A.J. Jacobs

LOUISVILLE —  Acclaimed author, journalist and lecturer A.J. Jacobs will be the featured speaker at the opening plenary for the Stewardship Kaleidoscope Conference on Monday, Sept. 26.

Scheduled from Sept. 26-28, the popular conference for all who are passionate about stewardship and generosity will be offered in person in Savannah, Georgia, as well as online for those who prefer to participate virtually.

Jacobs, who will join a host of outstanding speakers, informative workshop leaders and provocative preachers for the annual event, has written four New York Times bestsellers that combine memoir, science, humor and a dash of self-help.

Among his best-known works is “The Year of Living Biblically: One Man’s Humble Quest to Follow the Bible as Literally as Possible” (2007), in which Jacobs tells of his attempt to follow “the hundreds of rules in the Good Book.”

“I’ve been a big A.J. Jacobs fan for years,” said R. Sy Hughes, a mission engagement advisor for the Presbyterian Mission Agency who serves as a member of the conference’s planning team. “I look forward to the wisdom, insight and humor that he will bring to our gathering.”

Drawing leaders from across the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, and other ecumenical partners, Stewardship Kaleidoscope is designed to ignite generosity in faith-based communities, give practical tools for cultivating generosity in congregations, expand the leadership capacity of those who lead stewardship initiatives and cultivate adaptive approaches for funding Christ’s mission.

“Jacobs doesn’t just study concepts, he lives them,” said Robert Hay, Jr., senior ministry relations officer for the Presbyterian Foundation of the PC(USA), who, with Presbyterian Foundation colleague, Maggie A. F. Harmon, co-chairs the 10-member planning team. “He will share with us his experience of what it means to live generously.”

The Rev. Dr. J. Herbert Nelson, II

In addition to Jacobs, among the other speakers who will be featured this year are the Rev. Dawn Hyde, Dr. Michael Bos, the Rev. Kathryn Johnston, and the Rev. Dr. J. Herbert Nelson, II, Stated Clerk of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).

For participants’ safety and comfort, conference organizers will be observing recommended Covid safety protocols for in-person attendees as applicable at the time of the conference. Early-bird pricing will be available through the end of July and a limited number of scholarships are available.

For more information or to register, click here.

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