Search Results for: congregations

Starting New Initiatives

Starting New Initiatives is a process of prayer, discernment, conversation and reflection for congregations to decide how they can best minister in their particular contexts.


What is Cents-Ability?

A strategy for raising awareness — and funds — for the fight against hunger

Cents-Ability logoCents-Ability is a small first step in the battle against hunger and poverty. Congregations invite every member — of all ages — to contribute a few cents at every meal. This simple act is an expression of thanks for what we have received. It is also a commitment to share with others in response to Jesus’ command “You give them something to eat.” When members bring their offerings to church on the appointed Sunday, all of those coins “make a joyful noise unto the Lord” as they are received and dedicated.

These small acts of faithfulness can add up: One hundred persons in a congregation will contribute $180 a month at two cents a meal. That’s $2,160 dollars a year. A 30,000-member presbytery has the potential of raising over $1.6 million annually at a nickle a meal.

Commitment to Peacemaking

The Commitment to Peacemaking was introduced to the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) in 1983. Since then more than 4,500 congregations and other groups have affirmed the Commitment and used it to… Read more »