Search Results for: PHP Post

Food rescue operations are vital during a pandemic

Yearning to break free from a life hindered by addiction, Lori Flick walked into Columbia Presbyterian Church in south-central Pennsylvania almost seven years ago and found a place of refuge.

Matthew 25 congregations & mid councils

 Congregations Alabama Albertville | First Presbyterian Church Anniston | Church of the Covenant Auburn | First Presbyterian Church Birmingham Edgewood Presbyterian Church First Presbyterian Church South Highland Presbyterian Church… Read more »

Our eyes and ears in Katowice, Poland

More than 28,000 people have gathered in Katowice, Poland for the 24th  United Nations Framework Convention for Climate Change “Conference of the Parties” (COP), and the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) is there.

Small Hunger Action Congregation uses food pantry to impact community

“I’m just the pastor. This congregation rocks!” That’s the outlook of Kirk Perucca, pastor at Covenant Presbyterian Church. This small, ethnically diverse congregation south of downtown Kansas City, Missouri, has been a Presbyterian Hunger Program Certified Hunger Action Congregation since 2017, but has been advocating hunger, fairness and justice issues for most of its 110-year-plus existence.