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Resources in One Great Hour of Sharing

SDOP Community Brochure

This brochure includes basic information about SDOP. It shares examples and pictures of established partnerships with low-income community groups, and the funding criteria for groups wishing to complete an application…. Read more »

Folleto de ADP para Iglesias (Spanish/Español)

Este folleto esta creado para las iglesias y tiene información basica de ADP. Incluyendo una historia breve de ADP y formas de como participar en el ministerio.

SDOP Church Brochure

This brochure tailored for the church community shares basic information about SDOP including a brief history of SDOP and ways to engage with the ministry.

2018 Self-Development of People Grants

Learn how your gifts to One Great Hour of Sharing were distributed by the Presbyterian Committee on the Self-Development of People.

Instructions for OGHS 70th Display

Follow these instructions to create your very own One Great Hour of Sharing display for your congregation or mid-council!

OGHS Through the Years

Take a walk down memory lane with these past images of One Great Hour of Sharing. Thank you to the Presbyterian Historical Society for preserving these resources and providing our… Read more »