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Lighting the Advent Candles (Psalms Year B)

This set of readings for lighting the Advent candles is based on Psalm readings in the Revised Common Lectionary for Year B. See related pages: Season of Advent, Presbyterian Worship

Sing the Psalms: Tuesday Psalm 146

The psalms are intended for singing. Singing engages us much more deeply — heart, mind, soul and strength — with these profound and ancient songs of prayer and praise. Singing… Read more »

Sing the Psalms video: Monday-Psalm 145

The psalms are intended for singing. Singing engages us much more deeply — heart, mind, soul and strength — with these profound and ancient songs of prayer and praise. Singing… Read more »

Sing the Psalms: Sunday Psalm 150

The psalms are intended for singing. Singing engages us much more deeply — heart, mind, soul and strength — with these profound and ancient songs of prayer and praise. Singing… Read more »

Sing the Psalms video: Tuesday Psalm 146

The psalms are intended for singing. Singing engages us much more deeply — heart, mind, soul and strength — with these profound and ancient songs of prayer and praise. Singing… Read more »