Build up the body of Christ. Support the Pentecost Offering.


CPJ Training Day flier

Click here to download a PDF of the flier for Compassion, Peace & Justice Training Day with all the information to sign up.

PW and PMA relationship agreement

This agreement expresses the partnership in mission among Presbyterian Women in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), Inc. (PW) and the Presbyterian Mission Agency (PMA). PW and the PMA have had a… Read more »

PW 25th Anniversary Litany

In 1988, Presbyterian Women was created, bringing together women’s organizations from the two denominations that had merged to become the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). Practices, programs and faithful women from both… Read more »

PW 25th Anniversary Timeline

Enjoy and share this poster/flier with 25 years of Presbyterian Women’s history. Note: This document is set up as an 8.5” x 11” file.