Posts Tagged: presbyterian church

The heart behind amplifying stories

PDA’s Story Ministry is working on a new documentary about gun violence In his book “Fearless Dialogues”, Dr. Gregory C. Ellison II talks about how, when we gather around story to amplify and center voices, there are “undiscovered connections and purpose that lie dormant in the room”. When we gather to amplify and center voices,… Read more »

Domestic Response Updates (May 2024)

We are in a very active weather season in the United States; there has been severe weather in multiple states impacting many Presbyteries. PDA is communicating with impacted Presbyteries and our regional networks to assess needs and help connect our Presbyterian siblings with immediate response. It is heartwarming to hear how local congregations are helping… Read more »

The 10th Anniversary of the Flint Water Crisis: Faith To Overcome

In 2014, Presbyterian Disaster Assistance’s Associate for Story Ministry, David Barnhart, met Lisa Horne, Director of Community Ministry at First Presbyterian Church of Flint, working on what would become the award-winning documentary, Flint: The Poisoning of an American City. Barnhart recalls, “I will never forget the first time we met Lisa in her office. As we… Read more »

Launching the Migration Mission Network

On March 19-27, Presbyterians from the U.S. joined with our sibling churches in Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala and Mexico in San Salvador to launch a new PC(USA) migration mission network. U.S. participants came from local congregations, presbyteries, the Office of General Assembly and the Presbyterian Mission Agency to hear directly from our partners about migration… Read more »

Connecting with Partners and Colleagues in the Dominican Republic and Haiti

In March, the staff and Advisory Committee of Presbyterian Disaster Assistance traveled to the Dominican Republic to meet as a group and with partners in the area. We also welcomed colleagues from World Mission and Self Development of People (SDOP) to signify the intersectionality of our ministries. On Tuesday we heard presentations from our partners… Read more »

Policies that Attack People on the Move

  Federal Level   Migration has been a hot topic in the media recently. As politicians debate ways to deter people from seeking asylum in the U.S., it is helpful to remember that both international and U.S. law recognize the right to flee one’s country and seek protection in a different country. This right is a… Read more »

New and Updated Resources from our Migration Accompaniment Ministry!

As the General Assembly declared in 2022, the PC(USA) is a sanctuary and accompaniment church that supports and encourages its members in welcoming and walking with immigrants, refugees, and asylum seekers. PDA Migration Accompaniment Ministries has updated some of its resources for congregations and individuals seeking to live out the call to asylum accompaniment.   Resources… Read more »

Room in the Inn: The Importance of the Shelter and Service Program

Joseph also went from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to the city of David called Bethlehem, because he was descended from the house and family of David.  He went to be registered with Mary, to whom he was engaged and who was expecting a child.  While they were there, the time came… Read more »

Court settlement addresses the harm of family separation policy

A settlement was reached in the family separation lawsuit lead by the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) more than five years after the Trump administration reported it would no longer apply its controversial zero-tolerance policy to families arriving at the southern border. The settlement effectively bars the federal government from reimplementing a zero-tolerance policy, reaffirming the… Read more »

An update from Zakarpatska Oblast

The mental health care facility in Zakarpatska Oblast (western Ukraine) accommodates male patients with chronic mental illness. The facility is currently home to 330 men and has about 200 employees including medical, technical and administrative staff. The residents of the facility receive long-term accommodation, medical treatment, rehabilitation, daily meals, hygiene and personal care, clothing, and… Read more »