Hurricane Season 2024 – GIVE NOW

Opening Prayer


Adoration is the keynote of all true worship, of the creature before the Creator, of the redeemed before the Redeemer. By responding with “Amen,” the people affirm their participation in the prayer.

God of all glory,
on this first day you began creation,
bringing light out of darkness.
On this first day you began your new creation,
raising Jesus Christ out of the darkness of death.

On this Lord’s Day grant that we,
the people you create by water and the Spirit,
may be joined with all your works
in praising you for your great glory.

Through Jesus Christ,
in union with the Holy Spirit,
we praise you now and forever. Amen.

Book of Common Worship (WJKP, 1993) 51.

Notes adapted from Supplemental Liturgical Resource 1 (WJKP, 1984).

Excerpt from Worshiping God Together: A Guide for Children and Their Parents:

We praise God, who is known to us in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We pray for God to bless us so that we may be a blessing to others. We pray for Jesus to be with us, as he promised to be, whenever we gather in his name. We pray for the Spirit to make our worship holy, joyful, and true.

Directory for Worship

A prayer or hymn of adoration and praise is offered.

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Book of Order, W-3.3301c