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Presbyterian Association of Specialized Pastoral Ministries

The Presbyterian Association of Specialized Pastoral Ministries welcomes those involved in institutional chaplaincies, pastoral counseling and other specialized ministries. Members represent the PC(USA) at national professional organizations and work to ensure that the church recognizes their ministries.

Resources and Articles

Ecclesiastical Endorsement of Ministers Serving in Specialized Pastoral Ministries

  • Are you a candidate seeking an “endorsement” for chaplaincy or pastoral counseling that the professional organizations require and don’t know where to go for that?
  • Are you a presbytery staff person or do you serve on your presbytery’s COM or CPM and wonder what is expected when you are asked for an “endorsement?”

This information will assist the Committees on Ministry and Preparation in working with persons seeking ecclesiastical endorsement. Ecclesiastical endorsement is an official declaration by the presbytery of membership/care that a person seeking certification as a chaplain or pastoral counselor has the gifts of ministry for this special calling. It is not a statement of competency. Endorsement is the responsibility of the religious body, while certification is the work of the professional organization. The following information is intended as a resource. Additional information is available from the professional organizations or from certified chaplains and pastoral counselors serving in each presbytery.
