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A Virus and a Visit

A prayer letter and update from Esther Wakeman, serving in Thailand

February 2020

Write to Esther Wakeman

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Dear friends and supporters,

Fear can bring out the worst in us, and there is a fair amount of anxiety in Chiang Mai, Thailand these days about the novel Coronavirus. At Payap University an event took place last week that caused a great deal of hurt to our students from China. However, one of our teachers who is not a Christian, asked if we could hold a prayer service for our Chinese neighbors and students, and for all of us – to affirm our shared humanity and concern in this crisis. Our Chinese students are delighted and preparing to participate with special songs. We are planning a service in Thai, Chinese, and English. Pray for healing of hearts, for peaceful hearts, and for wisdom in response to this serious challenge for China and Payap and the world!

I will visit the U.S. from mid-April through June.

My schedule so far is:

April 17 – 21: Travel to and recover in Bremerton, Washington.
April 22 – 24: Transform Conference in Kansas City, Missouri.
April 25 – 26: Overland Park, Kansas (Knox Presbyterian Church).
April 27: Travel to California.
April 28 – May 7: California.
May 1: Lunch with California Fuller friends and supporters.
May 3: Santa Barbara, California (First Pres Ch).
TBA: San Diego Bible Study group.
TBA: Pasadena, California (Knox Pres Ch)??
May 7: Travel to Florida.
May 8 – 11: Florida.
May 10: Green Cove Springs, Florida (First Pres Ch).
May 12: Travel to Ohio.
May 13 – 31: Ohio.
May 19: Maumee Valley Presbytery meeting.
TBA: Portsmouth Ohio churches.
TBA : Ashtabula, Ohio (First Pres Ch).
June 1: Travel to Seattle, Washington.
June 2 – 8: Washington and Oregon (family time and Carol Licht?).
June 9 – 13: 40th anniversary trip (a bit early) to Prince Edward Island.
June 14 – 18: Collins family reunion in Billings, Montana.
June 19: Travel.
June 20 – 25: Wilmington, North Carolina. Reunion of folks working in Afghanistan.
June 26 – 28: Travel back to Chiang Mai, Thailand.

I would love to visit many more churches, Presbyteries, mission committees, and small or bigger groups of interested folks. Please let me know when I might visit.

I’m also hoping to do a visit in September and October – if that fits your church better, please let me know so I can get that schedule started.

I hope to see you in the coming year. We can encourage each other and pray for one another better as we share our journeys.



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