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Presbyterian World Mission has supported the work of the Middle East Council of Churches for more than 40 years which has an active ministry in Jordan. The Council offers a ministry of compassion to those who need support, including the many Iraqi refugees who have relocated to Jordan following the two wars in Iraq. Jordan has played a pivotal role in the struggle for power in the Middle East because of its location at the crossroads of what Christians, Jews and Muslims call the Holy Land.

The Middle East Council of Churches

The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) has been a strong partner and supporter of the work of the MECC since its inception in 1974. The Council includes all four families of churches in the Middle East, which are the Eastern Orthodox churches, the non-Calcedonian Orthodox churches, the Catholic churches and the Evangelical churches (Reformed, Episcopal, Lutheran and Congregational). It works on issues of church unity, Christian presence in the Middle East, justice, peacemaking and reconciliation, dialogue with non-Christian neighbors, education, nurture and renewal, participation of youth, women and children, life and service, and refugees and other displaced persons.

Evangelical Lutheran Church of Jordan and the Holy Land

Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem (Anglican)

The Fellowship of Middle East Evangelical Churches

The Fellowship is the family of Protestant Churches, which includes primarily the Reformed, Episcopal, Lutheran, Congregational and Methodist churches across North Africa, the Nile Valley (including Egypt and the Sudan), Western Asia (Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Israel and Palestine), Iran, Iraq and the Gulf States. The contribution of these churches to the larger ecumenical movement is enormously disproportionate to their relatively smaller numbers. In this Fellowship, emphasis is laid on leadership development, Christian unity and service.

Brittney Burrus, Mission Specialist for the Middle East and Europe, Presbyterian World Mission,