Build up the body of Christ. Support the Pentecost Offering.

Send TWICE the Support for Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Mission Co-workers.

Make your gift before August 15 to double your impact.

For a limited time, a group of faithful Presbyterians is providing a gift of $66,925 to match your gift in support of all 64 World Mission co-workers. Give before August 15 and your gift to help mission co-workers like Christi and Jeff Boyd will be doubled!

The Boyds are working in partnership with a Presbyterian congregation in the Democratic Republic of Congo to help the Indigenous Batwa people protect millions of acres of rainforest known as the lungs of Africa. The forest is home to one of the world’s largest carbon sinks. Any damage or disturbance to the sink could release massive amounts of carbon dioxide, creating a devastating climate disaster and putting the Batwa’s survival at risk.

Your gift today will go twice as far to facilitate the life-giving work of the Boyds and all of their mission co-worker colleagues around the world.

Go a step further and become a Pillar of the Church with your monthly, sustaining gift to World Mission. Select the option, “Recurring donation,” when you give today.