Get Involved

Whatever your passion… whatever God is calling you to do… you’ll find many opportunities to volunteer or otherwise get involved in the mission and ministry of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and the Presbyterian Mission Agency. We invite you to explore the links below.


Volunteer with Presbyterian Disaster Assistance

Participate in Mission Trips

Find out about Fellowships and Internships
in the Office of Public Witness (Washington, DC)

Mission Recruitment—Become a Mission Co-Worker

Work for Peace and Justice

Explore Seminary Studies


Work for the Church

Become a Young Adult Volunteer

Volunteer for Elected Service at the General Assembly Level (GA Nominating Committees)

Subscribe to Magazines and Newsletters:

Presbyterians Today

Call to Worship

Mission Crossroads (Presbyterian World Mission)

Racial Ethnic Torch

PHP Post (Presbyterian Hunger Program)

Mission Mosaic (Presbyterian Disaster Assistance)

Unbound (Social Justice)

Horizons (Presbyterian Women)