Posts Tagged: yav

Roots, Beets, Ashes

It was silly, but I was still surprised that they did not come out of the ground ready to be borsht. They are covered in dirt, dark brown, earthy smelling. And I realized; it was a root.

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Simple and Sustainable Living

It’s late on a Saturday night, dark, and we’re all tired and have gotten a little lost. We finally pull up to this large cabin in the woods that’s overflowing with people we don’t know. We get there right as mass is starting– the atmosphere is relaxed but sacred, the room crowded but cozy.  There are candles everywhere and the homily is about Nelson Mandela and nonviolence.  After the service all 60 of us share a potluck meal and later whoever is still there gathers around the wood stove in the living room to sing folk songs into the night.

We knew right away this was an interesting and unique place.

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Food Pantry Donations. Justice, or Junk for Jesus?

Why don’t people eat all their food before it expires?  And why are the holiday boy scout food drives or the Souper Bowl of Caring, the only times people look through all the food that’s in their house?  Food Justice starts at home folks!  America, lets cut back on the waste and eat the food we buy!

Why are so many people hungry if there is so much food wasted?

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Why You Should Care About Political Advocacy

“You can be an ambulance driver at the bottom of the hill or you can build a fence at the top.”

Christians are good (although not as good as we could be) at the idea of charity which involves taking care of the people who have been thrown off the proverbial mountain—the poor, hungry, and homeless. We do this through emergency assistance such as food pantries, shelters, free meals, etc. We are not so great at asking why are these people poor and underprivileged and then doing something about it—either by building a fence at the top of the hill or by changing the system that only allows a few people at the top, if you’ll allow me to extend the metaphor.

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Seeing the Work

The shelter doesn’t feel like a basement. It is painted a calming yellow, and there always seem to be fresh flowers around.

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