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Social Justice

E051608 – Joining Hands Against Hunger

Through Joining Hands Against Hunger, PC(USA) congregations will develop meaningful relationships with overseas partners involved in addressing root causes of hunger in their countries. PC(USA) presbyteries in the US will… Read more »

E052804 – The Palestine Children’s Relief Fund

The Palestine Children’s Relief Fund (PCRF) is a non-political, non-profit American relief group that was established in 1991 to address the extraordinary medical and humanitarian crisis facing Palestinian youth in… Read more »

H000108 – Cameroon-Joining Hands Program

Support for program activities by RELUFA, the Joining Hands partner network in Cameroon focused on human rights, food security/sovereignty, and human, social and environmental degradation caused by extractive industries, land… Read more »

E047940 – Corrymeela Community

Corrymeela is a dispersed ecumenical community whose members come from various Christian traditions and political backgrounds but share a common commitment to reconciliation. Since 1965 Corrymeela’s vision has been expressed… Read more »

E051682 – SABEEL Center

SABEEL, Arabic for ‘the way’ and also ‘a channel’ or ‘spring’ of life-giving water, is an ecumenical grassroots liberation theology movement among Palestinian Christians which encourages women, men and youth… Read more »

E053726 – Poverty In America

The current economic crisis has heightened Americans awareness of poverty in the United States. In 2007 37.3 million Americans lived below the official poverty threshold (US Census). With the economic… Read more »