Share the peace of Christ by supporting the Peace & Global Witness Offering.

Hunger & Poverty

E052118 – Community Health Evangelism Training

Community Health Evangelism Training (CHE) is a Christ-centered educational program that combines community development principles, evangelism and discipleship in training workshops. CHE equips participants to identify community issues and mobilize… Read more »

E052197 Matthew 25

Matthew 25:31-46 calls all of us to actively engage in the world around us, so our faith comes alive and we wake up to new possibilities. Convicted by this passage… Read more »

DR000165 US Wildfires

This designated account supplements the One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS) offering to enable a significant response for US wildfires.  Your faithful giving is deeply appreciated. (DR000165)

H000014 – Haiti

Gifts to this account will help fund long-term sustainable agriculture initiatives and small business development in Haiti. (H000014)

E049980 – Presbyterians Today

Presbyterians Today, the award-winning monthly magazine of the PC(USA), contains feature articles, and many other good-news stories about the people, congregations and mission of the Presbyterian Church. The magazine is… Read more »