Share the peace of Christ by supporting the Peace & Global Witness Offering.

Disaster Response & Development

DR000151 – Disaster Relief-CWS Gifts Of The Heart Kits

This designated account enables members and congregations to support CWS Gift of the Heart kits. School Kit–$13.00 Health Kit–$11.00 Baby Kit–$39.00 (DR000151) Your faithful giving is deeply appreciated.

E051608 – Joining Hands Against Hunger

Through Joining Hands Against Hunger, PC(USA) congregations will develop meaningful relationships with overseas partners involved in addressing root causes of hunger in their countries. PC(USA) presbyteries in the US will… Read more »

E053726 – Poverty In America

The current economic crisis has heightened Americans awareness of poverty in the United States. In 2007 37.3 million Americans lived below the official poverty threshold (US Census). With the economic… Read more »

E132192 – Mission Personnel Support

Gifts from individuals, combined with Basic Mission Support funds from congregations, enable Presbyterian mission personnel to work in approximately 50 countries. Your financial gift is an important part of our… Read more »

E864815 – Across

Gifts will help Across with relief projects in South Sudan in areas ravaged by civil wars; also, those displaced by the wars and provide project leadership in the areas of… Read more »