Search Results for: refugee resettlement

Church urges Obama administration to increase U.S. resettlement of refugees

Joining more than 100 faith-based communities and other national, state and local organizations, the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) signed a letter urging President Obama to demonstrate global leadership by making bold new commitments to refugee protection, assistance and solutions. The letter was sent to the President on August 29 in advance of the Leaders Summit on Refugees, to be held September 20 in New York City.

Minute for Mission: World Refugee Day

You cannot turn on the news these days without hearing about violence and displacement. We live in turbulent times. According to the United Nations, we are witnessing record high numbers of forced displacement and migration — over 100 million globally. The causes are many — civil wars, the rise in autocratic governments who violate human rights with impunity, drug wars and even domestic violence. Natural disasters, too, such as hurricanes, droughts and flooding. And when asked, most migrants will tell you that they have left home for a combination of these factors. Their destinations are often determined by where they have family or friends and the financial resources to get there.

World Refugee Day Virtual Faith Vigil

Rev. Sunny Kang, PCUSA pastor, senior pastor at United University Church in LA (Pacific Presbytery) has agreed to speak as part of the World Refugee Day Vigil, hosted by the… Read more »

Minute for Mission: World Refugee Day

You cannot turn on the news these days without hearing about violence and displacement. We live in turbulent times. According to the United Nations, we are witnessing record high numbers of forced displacement and migration — over 100 million globally. The causes are many — civil wars, the rise in autocratic governments who violate human rights with impunity, drug wars and even domestic violence. Natural disasters, too, such as hurricanes, droughts and flooding. And when asked, most migrants will tell you that they have left home for a combination of these factors. Their destinations are often determined by where they have family or friends and the financial resources to get there.

Minute for Mission: World Refugee Day

June 20 is World Refugee Day. Displaced from their homes amid unimaginable circumstances, refugees’ journeys are long and difficult.

PC(USA) supporting immigration and refugee conference

The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and Presbyterian Disaster Assistance are major supporters of a March 4-6 Church World Service conference about how people of faith can welcome immigrants and refugees.

Welcoming Afghan refugees is nothing new to this California church

An undercurrent of fear ran through the celebration for graduates of English as a Second Language classes conducted by the refugee resettlement agency World Relief at Carmichael Presbyterian Church in Carmichael, California, a city 11 miles northeast of Sacramento.