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Presbyterian World Mission has two mission co-workers serving in China. The PC(USA) works in China through mission co-workers and partner church relationships. PC(USA) strategic priorities are strengthening of theological education and leadership training in China. Our more specific goals are equipping pastors and lay leaders with Christian literature, support for reconstruction of Chinese theological thinking, building of mutual trust and confidence.

The PC(USA) also joins the Christian community in China in ministries that include Amity English teacher program, Chinese Bible and hymnal printing in Nanjing, scholarships, health projects, special education and rehabilitation programs for children with special needs, rural development projects and church building projects

The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Statement on Relations Between the Christian Communities in China and the United States was adopted by the General Assembly in 1983.

A current issue: The China Christian Council supports the “reunification” of China, believing Taiwan is part of China mainland. The position of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) is that it relates to the churches in both China and Taiwan as our partners and promotes peace and reconciliation through dialogue.

The China Christian Council/Three-Self Patriotic Movement was established to represent Christian churches in China. It is committed to maintaining church fellowship and unity in China, spreading the gospel, and providing social services to those in need.
The Amity Foundation, with offices in Nanjing, China, was created at the initiative of Chinese Christians, who continue to serve on its board. Because it is a Chinese organization, Amity can offer a genuine partnership with Chinese professionals who have a vision for meeting the needs of disadvantaged members of Chinese society. Christians from more than a dozen countries, including the United States, have joined hands with the Amity Foundation to promote friendship and understanding and to contribute to Amity’s efforts in rural development, education, social welfare and Bible printing.

Located in the city of Nanjing in eastern China, Nanjing Union Theological Seminary is China’s sole seminary. As of 2012, Nanjing Union Theological Seminary has only 280 students and annually graduates 70, which is about 1 for every 2 million of China’s 150 million Christians.

Mienda Uriarte, Area Coordinator for Asia and the Pacific,
Jacklyn Walker, Mission Specialist,