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Resources in Domestic violence

2016 Resources: What Can Your Congregation Do?

This year we are lifting up selections from recent resource packets that will include educational presentations, worship resources, sermon ideas, and informative bulletin inserts.

2014 Domestic Violence Awareness Resources

This annual packet of worship, advocacy, and awareness resources for Observing Domestic Violence Awareness, developed by PHEWA’s Presbyterians Against Domestic Violence Network (PADVN), includes resources that faith communities might find… Read more »

2013 Domestic Violence Congregational Packet

Our 2013 packet theme is Stories of Hope and Restoration. This annual packet for Observing Domestic Violence Awareness includes resources that faith communities might find useful in worship, in your… Read more »

2010 Domestic Violence Congregational Packet

2010 Domestic Violence Congregational Packet The 2010 Presbyterians Against Domestic Violence Network (PADVN) Domestic Violence Congregational Packet focuses on parent youth/relationships. Individual pieces include: “When the Line Has Been Crossed: Violence in Parent/Teen Relationships” “A… Read more »