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Opening Doors to Discipleship

Opening Doors to Discipleship is a training and learning website for church leaders in the Reformed tradition.

CPJ Training Day flier

Click here to download a PDF of the flier for Compassion, Peace & Justice Training Day with all the information to sign up.

Discern Your Call

Discern Your Call brochure provides a roadmap of essential components to begin and sustain new worshiping communities.

Tranformation Leadership: A Definition

Transformational leaders are men and women of diverse ages, backgrounds and cultures who are witnesses to God’s love, empowered by the Spirit and committed to Jesus Christ. In gratitude, they… Read more »

PW leadership training workshop

In the fall of 2010, PW offered leadership training for at least one PW representative from each synod. The training included workshops on a variety of ways to approach planning,… Read more »

Committee on Preparation trainers network

The purpose of the Trainers Network is to provide training for Committees on Preparation for Ministry, using the gifts, skills and knowledge of experienced Presbyterians who have served or are… Read more »

Opening Doors to Discipleship certificates

Celebrate accomplishments in leader development through Opening Doors to Discipleship by awarding certificates of participation in or completion of each course. Print these certificates in color or black and white…. Read more »