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The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) relates to our partner church, the United Church of Jamaica and the Cayman Islands. PC(USA) has at times had mission volunteers working with the United Church in their extensive primary and secondary school system. There are a number of sister congregations between the United Church and PC(USA). We have also worked closely with and through Caribbean and North American Council for Mission.

The PC(USA) has supported the United Theological College of the West Indies, particularly in their goal of strengthening a clinical pastoral education component within this seminary. United Theological College is one of the major Protestant seminaries in the Caribbean, particularly for English-speaking churches, though a large contingent of Haitian students also are enrolled.

Current Council for Mission priorities, that all member churches are working towards together, are to eliminate violence against women, eliminate human trafficking, alleviate poverty and address root causes and promote church growth and renewal.

United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands
Our partner in Jamaica is a united church comprised of the Presbyterian Church (of Scotland), the Disciples of Christ, and the Congregational Church. The United Church of Christ is a dynamic body that works in development  with  the poor in society and through its numerous schools throughout the country. A number of PC(USA) congregational partnerships are active.

Partner organizations

United Theological College of the West Indies

The Caribbean and North American Council for Mission