Posts Categorized: Peace & Global Witness Offering

Peace & Global Witness: Building a Neighborhood Together

Hope Renewed After a Weekend of Violence I’m sure you haven’t forgotten that weekend in August 2016 when racially charged violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, sent shockwaves of fear and grief across our country. Like us and many other Americans, Presbyterian pastor Jon Brown was distraught to the point of numbness.  But on the following Monday… Read more »

Peace & Global Witness: Peace at All Times, In All Ways

Now may the Lord of peace . . . give you peace at all times in all ways. 2 Thessalonians 3:16 Sometimes it feels the world is coming at us so quickly that we don’t know which way to turn, where to look, what to do next. In a chaotic world, we find strength in… Read more »

Peace & Global Witness: Houston Church Chooses Welcome

Guest post by Kate Burkart, Chair of the Peacemaking and Social Justice Committee at St. Philip Presbyterian Church When the Peacemaking and Social Justice Committee of St. Philip Presbyterian Church in Houston, TX, gathered at its first meeting of 2017, committee members sought to discern what focus of its work to concentrate on in the coming… Read more »

Peace & Global Witness: Peacemaker Visit Inspires Action Against Nuclear Weapons

Guest post by Ann Owens Brunger, Moderator for the Peacemaking Committee of the Presbytery of East Tennessee When Ukrainian and Tennessean peacemakers meet, and the Holy Spirit and PC(USA) Peace & Global Witness Offering are at work, seeds are planted that produce a bountiful harvest. In the fall of 2017, the Rev. Gloria Mencer, a member… Read more »

Come See Us at the Churchwide Gathering of Presbyterian Women!

The 2018 Churchwide Gathering of Presbyterian Women begins tomorrow, August 2nd, in Louisville, KY, marking the celebration’s 30th anniversary. The Special Offerings and Presbyterian Giving Catalog team will be celebrating, too, sharing the work of the whole church with Presbyterian women from all over the United States in the exhibit hall at the Galt House…. Read more »

Proclaiming Peace that Transcends

Proclaiming a Peace that Transcends the Barriers of Time and Space “So he came and proclaimed peace to those who were far off and peace to those who were near.” Ephesians 2:17 The letter to the Ephesians tells us that Jesus came to proclaim a peace that is universal. While the earthly ministry of Jesus… Read more »

International Peacemaker Inspires a Congregation

  International Peacemaker visit inspires congregation to help Syrian refugee family At Ivyland Presbyterian Church, the visits of international peacemakers have informed the minds of members, inspired their hearts, and moved the congregation to action on behalf of people in need. International peacemaker Rami Al Maqdasi, an Iraqi-born pastor, spoke at the suburban Philadelphia congregation… Read more »

A Season of Peace

Jesus calls us to be peacemakers. We see this every day as we experience our world’s need for Christ’s reconciling love, peace, and justice. We feel this as we long to know God’s peace in our hearts and relationships. The promise of Jesus “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God”… Read more »

Peace & Global Witness Offering Goes to the Super Bowl!

Guest post by Chuck Rawlings Having “Super Bowl 50” in your community can be exciting for the sports fans, but for others it’s a red flag that human trafficking might increase right along with the arrival of crowds of fans. Human trafficking is one form of violence against women.  In 2013 Susan Brooksbank attended the U.N…. Read more »

The lasting value in a gift of peace

During this Season of Peace, our thoughts turn to the meaning of peace and how, through Christ, we can nurture it inside ourselves and out in the world. Yet, to understand the value of peace, we must also understand the cost of conflict, and the many forms it can take. Conflict can be individual: 1… Read more »