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National Response Team Annual Meeting

“As God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience.” Colossians 3:12-17 NRSVUE Each April, the Presbyterian Disaster Assistance National Response Team (PDA NRT) gathers for continuing education, worship, and fellowship for the NRT Annual Meeting. This text from Colossians 3, guided us throughout the meeting and through our… Read more »

Domestic Response Updates (May 2024)

We are in a very active weather season in the United States; there has been severe weather in multiple states impacting many Presbyteries. PDA is communicating with impacted Presbyteries and our regional networks to assess needs and help connect our Presbyterian siblings with immediate response. It is heartwarming to hear how local congregations are helping… Read more »

Connecting with Partners and Colleagues in the Dominican Republic and Haiti

In March, the staff and Advisory Committee of Presbyterian Disaster Assistance traveled to the Dominican Republic to meet as a group and with partners in the area. We also welcomed colleagues from World Mission and Self Development of People (SDOP) to signify the intersectionality of our ministries. On Tuesday we heard presentations from our partners… Read more »

New and Updated Resources from our Migration Accompaniment Ministry!

As the General Assembly declared in 2022, the PC(USA) is a sanctuary and accompaniment church that supports and encourages its members in welcoming and walking with immigrants, refugees, and asylum seekers. PDA Migration Accompaniment Ministries has updated some of its resources for congregations and individuals seeking to live out the call to asylum accompaniment.   Resources… Read more »

Room in the Inn: The Importance of the Shelter and Service Program

Joseph also went from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to the city of David called Bethlehem, because he was descended from the house and family of David.  He went to be registered with Mary, to whom he was engaged and who was expecting a child.  While they were there, the time came… Read more »

Court settlement addresses the harm of family separation policy

A settlement was reached in the family separation lawsuit lead by the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) more than five years after the Trump administration reported it would no longer apply its controversial zero-tolerance policy to families arriving at the southern border. The settlement effectively bars the federal government from reimplementing a zero-tolerance policy, reaffirming the… Read more »

Rally to Restore U.S. Asylum

In May, the Biden administration announced that it would implement a new asylum ban  that continues to limit access to asylum for most people arriving and seeking protection at the U.S.-Mexico border. Under the ban, any individual who presents themselves at the border to seek asylum who has not secured one of the limited appointments… Read more »

Witnessing the Connectional Church in Florida

Last week (March 6-10) the staff and Advisory Committee of Presbyterian Disaster Assistance traveled to Fort Myers, FL to meet as a group and with partners in the area.            On Tuesday we drove to the community of Immokalee to learn from several of our partners there, including the Immokalee Fair Housing Alliance (IFHA), Coalition of… Read more »

Reflection from Zahony, Hungary

PDA’s Associate for Migration Accompaniment Ministries, Susan Krehbiel, is currently traveling as part of a PC(USA) delegation to Eastern Europe, meeting with partners responding to the war in Ukraine. Throughout this trip, she will share reflections as time allows.   We met Marina, an engineer, (not her real name) at an overnight shelter in Zahony,… Read more »

Restoring Asylum: Faith Community Calls for End to Asylum Transit Ban

You can take action here!   The Christmas celebrations have ended, the decorations are now packed away for another year (or 10 months), and we are all settling back into our normal routines. For some, however, there is no going back. Like the Magi who were warned to find a different route from which they… Read more »