Congregational-based community organizing

Remember the important role of congregational-based community organizing in renewing congregations and communities and seeking justice. Don't judge all community organizers and community organizing by a few bad apples.

That's the message of a recent post on Vital Signs, the blog of the Small Church and Community Ministry Office of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).

Presbyterians and Presbyterian congregations have witnessed to their faith in Jesus Christ through community organizing and congregation-based community organizing for more than fifty years. These efforts have strengthened congregations and communities while addressing issues of poverty, predatory lending, crime, economic development, hate crime, educational systems, and more.

Vital Signs reminds us that as in any group or profession, there have been mistakes and abuses by individuals and organizations involved in community organizing.

But there has also been and there will continue to be good, solid, important work and profound ministry done through community organizers and congregational-based community organizing.

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