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rev. sarah henken

Registration for a PC(USA) Matthew 25 online workshop now open

The final in a series of four 2023 Matthew 25 online workshops working toward eradicating systemic poverty will be held beginning at noon Eastern Time on Monday, Oct. 30. Individuals and congregations involved in working with communities in the U.S. and overseas on hunger issues can register to attend here.

Presbyterian delegation visits Colombia

Recently a group of Presbyterian Mission Agency personnel joined with ecumenical partners from across Latin America and the Caribbean and delegates from the World Council of Churches and the World Communion of Reformed Churches. They gathered in Bogotá, Colombia, at the “International Encounter for Reconciliation in Colombia: Ecumenical Experiences and Learnings in Peace Building.” The PMA delegation included Ellen Sherby, the Rev. Dr. Valdir França, Sue Rheem, and the Rev. Sarah Henken, PC(USA) mission co-worker serving in Colombia, a country seeking peace after more than 50 years of armed conflict.

PC(USA) mission co-workers lead Ecumenical Advocacy Days workshops

Presbyterian Mission Agency Mission co-workers the Rev. Sarah Henken and the Rev. Jed Koball led country-specific workshops Wednesday at the Ecumenical Advocacy Days virtual conference. Nearly 50 participants logged into the virtual format to hear first-person accounts, discussions, and practical solutions centering on building peace in Colombia and opposing state-sponsored violence in Peru.

A sweeping view of Latin America and the Caribbean in only 17 minutes

A new video produced by World Mission’s Latin America and Caribbean office takes viewers through a sweep of the region, checking in with mission co-workers and PC(USA) partners to help Presbyterians learn more about their work and their love for the region and its people.