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Presbyterians for Earth Care

Putting church panels to their highest and best use

As one of two PC(USA) churches recently honored as Cool Congregations by Interfaith Power & Light, Warner Memorial Presbyterian Church in Kensington, Maryland, relishes telling the story of how it covered its roof in solar panels to provide all the electricity it needs, as well as filling some of the needs of its neighbors, including very low income adults in mental health recovery.

Putting church panels to their highest and best use

As one of two PC(USA) churches recently honored as Cool Congregations by Interfaith Power & Light, Warner Memorial Presbyterian Church in Kensington, Maryland, relishes telling the story of how it covered its roof in solar panels to provide all the electricity it needs, as well as filling some of the needs of its neighbors, including very low income adults in mental health recovery.

First GA town hall is a how-to for Creation care at the local level

During the first town hall offered Thursday by the Office of the General Assembly ahead of the 226th General Assembly, more than 30 Presbyterians gathered online to, as host Jessica Maudlin said, “engage with each other about your experiences with Creation care and climate change in your context.”

Three scholars headline Presbyterians for Earth Care webinar on Pope Francis’ ‘Laudate Deum’

A theologian, a scientist and a Hebrew Bible scholar stepped into a Presbyterians for Earth Care webinar last week, and the result was an informative exploration of Pope Francis’ Oct. 4 Apostolic Exhortation, “Laudate Deum,” which implores “all people of good will” to turn from their consumptive lifestyle and care for God’s Creation before it’s too late. Watch the 72-minute webinar, hosted by PEC Moderator the Rev. Bruce Gillette, here.