Reflections on Disability Inclusion Sunday
September 8, 2024, is Disability Inclusion Sunday in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). Interestingly, the Gospel reading for this Sunday in the Revised Common Lectionary is Mark 7:24–37. This passage recounts how Jesus casts out a demon from the daughter of a Syrophoenician woman and heals a man who is deaf and has a speech impairment. [...] To help navigate this, the Office of Theology and Worship, along with Presbyterians for Disability Concerns (PDC), has provided some thoughtful considerations in this handout: Reflections on Disability Inclusion Sunday.
Praying Around the Clock
When I teach about liturgical time, I sometimes use the image of an old-fashioned clock—the kind with an hour hand, minute hand, and second hand. Like an analog timepiece, liturgical time circles around at three speeds: the rhythms of the year, the week, and the day. [...] Although they move at different speeds, each hand of the clock travels the same circle. Similarly, the rhythms of the Christian year, week, and day are meant to draw us into a singular event: the dying and rising of Christ.
Toxic White Ableism
Hi, Everyday God-Talk community! I hope you had a great summer. Starting this month, I plan to share some reflections on ableism and how it intersects with racism, poverty, and white supremacy in our country. Also, how do we knowingly and unknowingly practice it in our worship space and everyday lives? I don't have all the answers, but I’d like to explore these topics with you.
Ellijah’s cry and God’s compassion
Hello Everyday God-Talk Community, I hope your summer has been refreshing and filled with hope! As we ease back into updating our blog under the new webpage system, we appreciate your patience during this transition. [...] As we welcome the beginning of fall, I invite you to start with an 8-minute sermon focused on the story of Elijah, one of the "complimentary" biblical passages in this Sunday's lectionary. [...]I hope it provides some inspiration for your sermon this week or anytime in the future. ~ Blessings,