September 8, 2017
We celebrate the World Day of Prayer for Latin American Women on the second Friday in September. One of the motivations to celebrate this day has been the various forms of violence against women, which are increasingly deepened through their different typified manifestations, and even when some have not yet been typified, they are still provoking psychological, emotional and physical damage without dismissing their death of our women.
The Presbyterian and Reformed Women of Latin America know, through their own experiences, the reality of violence in our countries, including communities of faith. Inspired by the gospel and with a set of woman’s eyes, we have been discovering the good news revealed in the Holy Book. We have found that relationships of violence are not part of God’s plan for women or his creation. Therefore, we unite in a great cry for justice to women in all of their surroundings. Furthermore, let us assume the challenge of being peacemakers as an essential element to eradicate violence so we can be strengthened by the Holy Spirit.
Women’s Department of the Alliance of Presbyterian and Reformed Churches of Latin-America
Today’s Focus: World Day of Prayer for Latin American Women
Let us join in prayer for:
Latin-American women in the PCUSA staff
Yesenia Ayala
Teresa Bidart
Marissa Galván Valle
Rosa Miranda
Clara Nuñez
Jenny Koball
Cristina Pitts
Josie Saez
Alejandra Sherman
Keren Strothman
Stephanie Vásquez
PC(USA) Agencies’ Staff
Kay Moore, OGA
Wayne Moore, PMA
Let us pray:
God, help us to understand that our acts of courage in the present impact women’s lives in the future. From the example of strong Latin American women who fought for their rights, generating justice for them and for future generations, strengthen us in our responsibility of sowing new seeds on earth so that those fruits can be shared with the generations to come. In the name of who made the earth, who reigns with justice and abounds with love. Amen.
Daily Readings
Morning Psalms 84; 148
First Reading 1 Kings 11:26-43
Second Reading James 4:13-5:6
Gospel Reading Mark 15:22-32
Evening Psalms 25; 40