Monthly Archives: January 2021

With Glad and Generous Hearts

By Chris Roseland Over the past year amid a pandemic, protests and politics, I often heard many pastors, elders and mid council staff say that they are having a particularly hard time making ends meet. People aren’t giving the way they used to give. These churches and presbyteries are struggling to do more with less,… Read more »

Día de los Reyes

By Lemuel Garcia-Arroyo En nuestras culturas hispano/latinas la temporada Navideña realmente no concluye sino hasta las celebraciones de la Epifanía y del Día de Reyes el 6 de enero. Tradicionalmente los niños reciben sus regalos esa fecha simbolizando los regalos de oro, incienso, y mirra que los Magos (Reyes) del oriente ofrecieron al infante Jesús… Read more »