Advent Devotional: Second Week of Advent: Wednesday, December 12


“I Am Peace” by Andrew Weatherly

Holiness surrounds us

Be exalted, O God, above the heavens, and let your glory be over all the earth. — Psalm 108:5

… and holy is his name. — Luke 1:49

Mary’s song has so many powerful levels of meaning, but it is ultimately an act of worship, ascribing glory to the Holy One of Israel.

We live in a world where so much of the sacred has been stripped from our lives. Corporations commodify everything, their alluring lies promising to meet our deepest needs through the acquisition of material things. But God calls us to dwell in the holiness of God’s presence and to see evidence of our Creator everywhere. It means to remember where we came from and where we are returning. The holiness of God surrounds us. — KVT

What moments can you sneak in today to notice the details of God’s holiness all around?

O God, during this Advent season, help us relax and savor your presence. Amen.