Advent Devotional: First Week of Advent: Wednesday, December 5


“Wondrous Star of Night” by Andrew Weatherly

Saving ways

For the Son of Man came to seek out and to save the lost. — Luke 19:10

… my spirit rejoices in God my Savior … — Luke 1:47

There are many ways to think of salvation, but surely we can see how the teachings of Jesus “save” us from life’s snares. He rescues us from worry, reminding us of God’s care. He deters us from materialism, calling us to store up treasures that last. He saves us from narrow notions of love, expanding our mercy to include even our enemies.

In keeping with our Advent theme, Jesus can banish our sense of insignificance. Remember, he said, that God counts every hair on your head. Remember that no matter how far you stray, God leaves a light on in the window to welcome you home. — KVT

How have Jesus’ teachings saved you from error?

O God, help us through the Spirit to understand Jesus’ saving ways. Amen.