Pilgrim Poems

If not now, when?


Rose NilesThe wailing wall
. . . so that you may not grieve as others do who have no hope. —1 Thess. 4:13b

by Rose Niles

when the life you thought was solid
there is a wall
for wailing.
someday collapse waits for all.
shocked that you live on,
know this:
other hands
that knew abyss
prepared a place
a fit-together,
made-with-inspired-hands place.
so make the lowliest stone
your lichen hewn couch
from which you rise

Baptized, reared, and ordained a ruling elder in the Bronx at the age of fourteen, Rose Niles has served the church as a teaching elder, pastor, and supporter of theological education. Rose is bi-racial, a daughter of immigrant parents, a mother of one phenomenal woman, and a lifelong pilgrim. Amazed, she finds herself in Houston, Texas

Watch this video of Rose reciting the poem: