Check out the Presbyterian News Service story about a visit to Colombia by the Rev. Shannan Vance-Ocampo, director of Colombia Programs for the Presbyterian Peace Fellowship. Shannan the group she was with saw firsthand some of the effects of U.S.-operated…
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La Macarena – Stories, Signs, and Smoke
Here’s a piece written by Richard Williams, PC(USA) Mission Co-worker, wrote on a very troubling situation in Colombia – the fosa común, or mass grave, of La Macarena…he recently visited the site…give it a read… La Macarena – Stories, Signs,…
Read more »Report: Military Assistance and Human Rights: Colombia, U.S. Accountability, and Global Implications | The Fellowship of Reconciliation
Report: Military Assistance and Human Rights: Colombia, U.S. Accountability, and Global Implications | The Fellowship of Reconciliation.
Read more »Election Day: Colombia
Pray for the people of Colombia as the second round of elections takes place today.
Read more »Oracion de esperanza por la paz de colombia
Oh Dios, ¿Hasta cuándo los que hacen la guerra gobernarán nuestros países? Oh Dios, ¿Hasta cuándo los que roban, matan y destruyen tendrán tanto poder? Oh Dios, ¿Hasta cuándo la seguridad será como una larga noche de terror? Oh Dios,…
Read more »A prayer of hope for peace in Colombia
O God, how long will those who make war govern our countries? O God, how long will those who steal, kill and destroy have so much power? O God, how long will security be like a long night of terror?…
Read more »We do believe in life
Presbyterian Mission Co-worker Richard Williams spent time in late May in San Onofre. He traveled there with two pastors from La Iglesia Presbiteriana de Colombia. They went to stand in solidarity with Rogelio Martínez Mercado’s family and community as they…
Read more »Pray for the people of Colombia
Pray for the people of Colombia as they participate in a presidential election today. May this election move the country and the people closer to the time when justice is done, violence ceases, and peace prevails.
Read more »A prayer for those who seek human rights in Colombia
God of justice, God of compassion, God of peace, we pray for those who work for human rights in Colombia. We give thanks for their commitment to the well-being of all the people. We give thanks for their faithful witness….
Read more »Pray for Colombia at the time of presidential election
Reprinted with permission from Called to Colombia. As Colombia moves toward presidential elections, please: Pray for candidates, for honesty, integrity, and an openness to the Spirit in their quest to gain the power to govern. Pray for the judges and…
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