Seeking peace in Colombia

Map of ColombiaThe 219th General Assembly (2010) approved an overture “On Assisting with a Process for Negotiation of a Peace Accord in Colombia.”

The action directed “the Stated Clerk of the PC(USA) to write the administration of President Barack Obama and the Congress of the United States of America seeking the permanent suspension of the U.S. military use of seven Colombian bases initiated in 2009.”

The General Assembly further directed “appropriate offices of the General Assembly Mission Council (GAMC) to work with ecumenical partners to monitor and post periodic updates on the impact of United States military use of seven military bases in Colombia.”

In August 2010, the Colombian Constitutional Court declared this agreement unconstitutional, ruling that, “the 2009 accord should be redrafted as an international treaty and sent to Colombia’s Congress for approval.”

Concerns continue for the U.S. military presence in Colombia as well as the impact of the Colombia-UN Free Trade Agreement signed in October 2011.

The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) established its first permanent mission in Latin America in Bogota. This culminated in the first Presbyterian Church, founded in Bogotá in 1856. We continue to share in ministry with our Colombian brothers and sisters in the name of Jesus Christ. Here are ways to learn more about our partners in Colombia, the PC(USA) response and the situation in the country:

May God grant peace to the people of Colombia.

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