More on Stopping Cluster Bombs

I’m not the only one missing the gathering in Dublin to negotiate a treaty to ban cluster bombs. The United States government is not present either.

But there is a bill pending in Congress that addresses this issue. The Cluster Munitions Civilian Protection Act (S.594/H.R. 1755), states that, "Cluster munitions will not be used where civilians are known to be present or in areas normally inhabited by civilians."

A simple phone call to senators who have not yet cosponsored the Cluster Munitions Protection Act (S. 594) is one more step on the journey to ban these weapons.

See if your Senator is a sponsor. (Find out who your senators are.) Call 800-401-3641 — the Capitol Switchboard. Ask for your Senator’s office and tell the staff how you feel.

The Friends Committee on National Legislation suggests a simple message:

My name is [NAME], and I live in [CITY, STATE].Thanks for taking my call.
I’m calling to encourage Senator [SENATOR’S NAME] to cosponsor S. 594, the Cluster Munitions Civilian Protection Act. Will that be possible?
Thank you.

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