Malawi: Special Delivery

Kyle_christie_and_unknown_3Written with Kyle Kittrell.

Even in this day of instant electronic communication, there is a thrill when something lands in our mailbox or when the UPS truck stops by our door.

Some of us will return to our home with suitcases lighter than when we began the journey. Kyle and Christie Kittrell made two deliveries during their time in Malawi.

They brought a computer to the Rev. Levi Nyondo, the pastor at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church in Mizuzu. The Rev. Nyondo currently serves as Moderator of Livingstonia Synod. First Presbyterian Church of Jefferson City, MO, where Christie and Kyle are members, has had an ongoing relationship with St. Andrew’s for about five years. First Presbyterian Church has helped build a church and three prayer houses, dug a number of wells, and built a house for teachers. Levi and his wife, Ruth, visited Jefferson City in 2006.

Kyle and Christie also brought medical supplies for the Mary Beza Clinic in Ethuleni. They have visited the clinic twice. Mary’s husband is Dr. Jablani Beza, a minister of parliament in the government of Malawi. He taught at Lincoln University in Jefferson City and was a member of First Presbyterian Church. He told the congregation about the need in Malawi. In response the congregation helped with a prayer house and a well in Ethuleni. From there, the relationship has grown.

Christie and Kyle will bring much home with them to enrich this relationship. Who knows what special deliveries they may make in the future. Their next trip to Malawi will be in June.

The photo is on Kyle’s camera, but I’m thinking he did not take it since he is in the picture. Timer, perhaps?

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