“Calvinists don’t really do the devil,” Dr. Philip G. Ziegler, professor of Christian Dogmatics at the University of Aberdeen, recently said as he named the “strong sense of human responsibility and the demystifying impulse that marks Reformed theology” before setting out the plan for his six lectures to prove the doctrinal importance of the devil. Ziegler presented his case to about 150 attendees in person and online during the 2024 Annie Kinkead Warfield Lectures.
When the Rev. Dr. Lee Hinson-Hasty, the host of “Leading Theologically,” receives an email from Princeton Theological Seminary’s president, the Rev. Dr. Jonathan Lee Walton, there’s generally a “One Luv” typed in above Walton’s signature.
“Calvinists don’t really do the devil,” Dr. Philip G. Ziegler, professor of Christian Dogmatics at the University of Aberdeen, said on March 18 as he named the “strong sense of human responsibility and the demystifying impulse that marks Reformed theology” before setting out the plan for his six lectures to prove the doctrinal importance of the devil. Ziegler presented his case to about 150 attendees in person and online during the 2024 Annie Kinkead Warfield Lectures.
“Rediscovering Lost Treasure: Old Testament Resources for Christian Faith and Life” is the title the Rev. Dr. Dennis Olson gave to an online talk he delivered earlier this month as part of the Synod of the Covenant’s “Equipping Preachers” series.
R. Gustav Niebuhr, a pioneering Presbyterian journalist and scholar whose many awards included the 2000 David Steele Distinguished Writer Award from the Presbyterian Writers Guild, died Oct. 20 at age 68 from long-term complications from Parkinson’s Disease. His obituary is here, with a remembrance from Syracuse University, where he taught, found here.
Princeton Theological Seminary is expanding its suite of flexible and accessible learning opportunities, executed by a growing team of education leaders with extensive experience in delivering engaging online education.
Amid glorious music, multiple scripture readings, elegant prayers, thoughtful charges and plenty of smiles and hugs on Friday, Princeton Theological Seminary inaugurated and installed its eighth president, the Rev. Dr. Jonathan Lee Walton.
Princeton Theological Seminary is expanding its suite of flexible and accessible learning opportunities, executed by a growing team of education leaders with extensive experience in delivering engaging online education.
Friends and family of Dr. Arlo Duba gathered both in person at Gunnison (Colorado) Congregational Church and online Monday to remember one of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)’s foremost authorities on worship.
For the Rev. Joanne Rodríguez, executive director of the Hispanic Theological Initiative at Princeton Theological Seminary, “en conjunto,” or “on the whole” describes the way HTI helps Latine scholars through their doctoral studies and into the academy or wherever it is that God is calling them.