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presbytery of greater atlanta

Peace-planters and a ‘true crime’ podcast are part of Montreat Youth Conferences

“It’s very easy to lose hope in a world so dominated by oppression and darkness. And yet, the work of the Holy Spirit is alive and thriving at the 2024 Montreat Youth Conference!” said the Rev. Danny Dieth, pastor of First Presbyterian Church of Columbus, Georgia, and an adult leader for the Flint River Presbytery youth group that is attending Week 2 of the annual Montreat Youth Conferences in Montreat, North Carolina.

Georgia churches advocate for housing and health care

“I always see people in our congregations eager to do some kind of service with our neighbors. Their first thought is often that that’s meeting a basic need, some sort of hands-on giving someone food or drink or clothing or shelter,” said the Rev. Rebekah LeMon, senior pastor of Trinity Presbyterian Church in Atlanta. “But we have to ask ourselves, as people of faith, why our systems don’t allow everyone to have food, clothing, shelter and welcome.” For the past six years, LeMon has served on the board of Presbyterians for a Better Georgia (PBG). “Advocacy is the way we try to create systemic change that would better support all of our neighbors.”

Presbytery of Greater Atlanta shows its marks of vitality

In the midst of the Covid pandemic, when the efficacy of new vaccines was still unknown and many churches were not back to worshiping inside, the Rev. Aisha Brooks-Johnson, executive presbyter of the Presbytery of Greater Atlanta, issued an invitation for congregations to join the Vital Congregations Initiative (VCI). The Rev. Katie Day, having accepted her call to Pleasant Hill Presbyterian Church in Duluth, Georgia, during the pandemic, remembers that her congregation was still worshiping in a parking lot and conducting meetings on Zoom.

Secret Sauce conference in Atlanta opens with multilingual worship

“What’s the Secret Sauce?” conference sponsored by the Presbyterian Mission Agency’s 1001 New Worshiping Communities and the New Church Development Commission of the Presbytery of Greater Atlanta welcomed more than 80 participants in a dozen languages with barbeque from three countries and a joyous worship service on Tuesday evening. Colleagues in the Office of General Assembly and the PMA’s Racial Equity & Women’s Intercultural Ministries were also partners in the event.

Blooming where we’re planted

Only a preacher as gifted as the Rev. Aisha Brooks-Johnson can take worshipers from “Green Acres” to the heavenly city.