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democratic republic of the congo

PC(USA) partners in the Democratic Republic of Congo provide students with hands-on learning

Our denominational response to the Matthew 25 call to aid those less fortunate is lived out through the foci of strengthening worship communities, eradicating systemic poverty and combating racism. An old proverb states that a long journey is made step by step. And so it is that our partners in the Presbyterian Community of Kinshasa (CPK) in the capital of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) are taking steps to improve formal education systems and provide life options that will lead to a more productive and healthy society.

Violence and Ebola outbreaks plague Eastern Congo

An already bad situation in the eastern portion of the Democratic Republic of the Congo is being exacerbated by ethnic rivalries and another outbreak of Ebola, but the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and its partner are supporting those who are emotionally and physically wounded.