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church world service

Following a visit by PMA staff, a PC(USA) partner reflects on six years of refugee work in Eastern Europe

In all of Church World Service’s (CWS) programs, there is an element that allows us to thrive: our partnerships. We recently took the time to appreciate one of these partnerships when our PC(USA) friends and colleagues Ellen Smith, regional liaison for Central and Eastern Europe, and Luciano Kovacs, Middle East and Europe area coordinator, visited CWS programs in Bihac in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Belgrade in Serbia.

Following a visit by PMA staff, a PC(USA) partner reflects on six years of refugee work in Eastern Europe

In all of Church World Service’s programs, there is an element that allows us to thrive: our partnerships. We recently took the time to appreciate one of these partnerships when our PC(USA) friends and colleagues Ellen Smith, Regional Liaison for Central and Eastern Europe, and Luciano Kovacs, Middle East and Europe Area Coordinator, visited CWS programs in Bihac in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Belgrade in Serbia.

‘If anyone can bring the fire, it’s the people of God’

Gathered in person for the first time since 2019, Ecumenical Advocacy Days’ 2024 Spring Summit got off to an inspired start Friday courtesy of the Rev. Teresa “Terri” Hord Owens, General Minister and President of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the United States and Canada.

World Refugee Day spurs calls for action and prayer for forgiveness

People from a diverse milieu of religious traditions observed World Refugee Day by gathering for an online vigil this week to advocate for the safety and well-being of refugees and to ask for forgiveness for not doing more to fight injustices against them.

New hymn encourages Presbyterians to gather and deliver emergency kits

Presbyterian pastor and hymn writer the Rev. Carolyn Winfrey Gillette has written a new hymn to encourage Presbyterians and others to gather and send hygiene and other kits to organizations that can put them in the hands of people who need them as the result of natural or human-caused disasters.

New hymn encourages Presbyterians to gather and deliver emergency kits

Presbyterian pastor and hymn writer the Rev. Carolyn Winfrey Gillette has written a new hymn to encourage Presbyterians and others to gather and send hygiene and other kits to organizations that can put them in the hands of people who need them as the result of natural or human-caused disasters.

Repairing broken sidewalks

Before delivering a talk to end Church World Service’s Together We Welcome Conference, the Rev. Dr. Karen Georgia A. Thompson delivered one of her many published poems to the online audience of about 300 people.

‘A motivation out of love for God’

The importance of faith communities standing in the gap for asylum seekers was driven home during a national immigration conference hosted by Church World Service (CWS).