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advisory committee on social witness policy

Advisory Committee on Social Witness Policy provides new mental health guide

One thing that the 20th-wealthiest county in the United States — a south-central Texas community — and a Boston neighborhood, Roxbury, which is riddled with violence and underemployment and is also the home of the R&B music group New Edition, have in common: both are touched by the epidemic of mental illness.

The Advisory Committee on Social Witness Policy leans into the prophetic calling of the whole PC(USA)

Are you eager to advocate and lean into the Great Ends of the Church, yet not quite sure where to find the theological, ethical, and Reformed resources for such advocacy? Are you concerned by how some groups use the Bible as tool of rhetoric, yet not sure where to turn for rich biblical reflection on current issues? The Advisory Committee on Social Witness Policy (ACSWP) serves the prophetic calling of the whole Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) by providing the General Assembly with careful studies of pressing moral challenges, media for discussion and discernment of Christian responsibilities, and policy recommendations for faithful action.

‘GA, Creation Care and You’

Nearly 90 people tuned in to a Presbyterians for Earth Care webinar Thursday for a look back at what commissioners and advisory delegates to the 225th General Assembly did to care for God’s Creation.